The Journey Way
We make disciples - Discipleship is a life-long process of becoming more like Christ and helping others do the same. We want believers of all ages to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. With the help of God's Spirit, we commit ourselves to helping other believers mature in Christlikeness.
We pursue God's presence. We intentionally carve out time daily to be alone with God through prayer, music, reflection, and reading/studying the Bible. These are not obligations we try to squeeze in, but cravings we can't live without.
We are committed to community - Belonging to our community requires a commitment to being intentionally involved with others in accountable, encouraging relationships. We believe life change happens best in the context of relationships.
We are on a search and rescue mission - We will never allow this lifeboat to become a cruise ship. We are a church committed to reaching people far from God.
We need all hands-on deck - For our community to flourish, we need your full engagement. Every member of our family is a minister, and every minister will be trained and commissioned to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We embrace diversity - We will embrace the beauty and the uniqueness of God's creation under the banner of Jesus Christ. We will cultivate diversity while maintaining unity in the faith.
We cultivate a healthy culture. Our health is our wealth. We will strive to be healthy because we know that we will accomplish more by having the right culture than we ever would by having the right strategies.
We value being over "doing"- Our identity is shaped by who we are in God, not what we do for Him. Our service to God should come from the overflow of our relationship with Him. We don't serve to earn God's love or favor. We serve as an expression of our gratitude to a generous God.
We live to give - We are generous with our resources and joyfully give of our time, talent, and treasure to bless others. In a world that values what is passing away, we will invest in eternity by sowing into others.
We grow bigger by growing smaller - Our community is strengthened when we get small. Our small groups are where we get to know one another, pray for one another, serve one another, and experience the life-changing community called the church.
We will not take this for granted – What we are experiencing is not normal. This is the highest calling, and we will remain grateful for God's hand of favor on our church.
We pursue our purpose rather than our preference - We will not cater to personal preference in our mission to reach the world. We will willingly give up all that is necessary to advance the kingdom of God.